Saturday, April 10, 2010

Penang's Recycling Problems and its Hazy Solutions

Hello again!

Recently we have been looking into newspaper articles to see if they could shed some light on Penang's recycling initiative.  Although low in numbers we found some that shed light on the situation.  One article from The Star discussed Penang's hope to initiate a vigorous green agenda this year and achieve higher recycling rates.  Although the highest in the country currently Penang stands with a dismal 15% recycling rate.  Internationally the average rate is between 35% and 40%.  The article did not divulge what this increased action may be but hopefully they can raise those rates!

In a report put out by United Nations Development Program they evaluate the current recycling practices in Penang.  In order for Penang to become a better recycling community they are some problems that must be addressed and they are...

- Land availability.  There is extremely limited space on the island for waste disposal. The state has become increasingly more interested in building a waste incinerator on the island.

- Community Recycling. The amount of recycling across the island varies and depends entirely on people's voluntary actions for recycling programs.  This means the work and activities fluctuate often.

- No structural financial support.  Revenues from recycling most often go to charity after they have paid for operations.

- Uncertainty of privatization.  The waste management is privatized and although holds much potential there is very little structure has it is going through the modernization process.

Its good to hear that Penang's government and other institutions are working towards a greener future but how about some recycling bins?


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